Kategorie:Anglický rejstřík
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Zobrazuje se 200 stránek z celkového počtu 1 405 stránek v této kategorii.
(předchozí stránka) (další stránka)H
- Ideal conditions
- Ifluence quantity
- Ignition Temperature
- Illegal employment
- Illumination level
- Illumination
- Immediate Hazard
- Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH)
- Immigrant workers
- Impact
- Impairment
- Improper work posture
- Incident Outcome Cases
- Incident Outcome
- Inconceivable Event
- Indentured labour
- Index of accident incidence
- Index of injury frequency
- Index of injury severity
- Individual Risk
- Industrial accidents report
- Industrial accident
- Industrial Accident
- Industrial design
- Industrial installation Machinery failure
- Industrial medicine
- Industrial occupational fatality
- Industrial poisoning
- Industrial Safety
- Industrial Toxicology
- Industry 4.0
- Infarction
- Infection
- Informal employment
- Information system for planning the civilian resources
- Information
- Infrared Radiation
- Inhalation
- Inherently Safety
- Initial briefing
- Initiating Event
- Initiation
- Injuries
- Injury compensation
- Injury statistics
- Injury without lasting consequences
- Injury
- Inspection of technical eqipment
- Inspection
- Installation
- Instantaneous Release
- Instruction
- Intelligent personal protective equipment
- Interactive system
- Interface
- Interlocking device
- Intermediate Event
- International Ergonomics Association
- International Labour Organisation
- International Trade Union Confederation
- Internet of Things
- Intra-Company Employee Transfer Card
- Ionizing radiation
- Irradiance
- Irradiation
- Irreproachable working environment
- Isocyanate
- Isopleth
- IUPAC Nomenclature
- Labour inspection
- Labour protection
- Lack
- Land-use Planning
- Laser emission
- Latent Failure
- Layer of Protection Analysis
- Layout of Workplace
- Leaveism
- Lethal Concentration 50 (LC50, LC 50)
- Lethal Concentration
- Lethal Dose 50 (LD 50, LD50)
- Lethal Dose
- Lethality
- Level of Risk
- Light signal
- Limit load
- Limit Value (LV)
- Limiting Aperture
- Limit
- Line of Defence
- List of occupational diseases
- Live part of electrical appliances
- Live part of electrical equipment
- Load
- Location of dangerous substance
- Location of Hazardous Substance
- Locking device
- Logic Diagram
- Long term Exposure Limit (LTEL)
- Long-Term Exposure
- Long-term residence permit
- Loss of Containment
- Loss Prevention
- Loss
- Low pressure
- Lower Explosive Limit (LEL)
- Lower Flammability Limit (LFL)
- Lower Flammable Limit (LFL)
- Lowest Observable Adverse Effect Level
- Lyme disease
- Machine safety level
- Machine Safety
- Machinery safety
- Machinery
- Machines
- Magnetic field
- Maintainability
- Maintainance Support
- Maintenance
- Major Accident Prevention Information System
- Major accident prevention management system
- Major accident prevention
- Major accident
- Major Incident
- Major-accident prevention policy (MAPP)
- Malfunction failure
- Malfunction
- Maloperation
- Man-machine system
- Management of Major Hazard
- Manual handling
- Mass accident
- Massive leak
- Materials handling
- Maximum permissible concentration
- Maximum-credible Accident Scenarios
- Measurand
- Measurement
- Measuring Range
- Measuring
- Mechanization
- Mediation
- Medical examination
- Medication
- Medium Enterprise
- Medium-sized Enterprise
- Melanoma
- Mental capacity
- Mental fatigue
- Mental stress
- Mercury
- Metabolism
- Metal forming machine
- Metal-arc inert gas welding
- Microclimate conditions
- Microclimate
- MIG welding
- Migration
- Mineral dust
- Minimal Cut Set
- Mining industry
- Mining Inspection
- Minor occupational injury
- Misoperation
- Missiles
- Mistake
- Mitigation System
- Mitigation
- Mixed reality
- Mobilisation économique(f)
- Modelling
- Monitoring technology
- Monitoring
- Monotonous work
- Mortality
- Motivation of safe working
- Motivation
- Motor capacity
- Multirisks
- Muscular groups
- Muscular work
- Musculoskeletal disorders of the back
- Musculoskeletal disorders of the neck and shoulders
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Musculoskeletal system
- Myocardial infarction